Threat Detection & Incident Response Done Right

Key Insights and Resources for Cybersecurity Compliance

Regulatory and Compliance Assistance

What is TDIR Done Right?

Built on a strong foundation of best-in-class Enterprise Log Management and SIEM in a Cloud-native architecture with strong self-managed and hosted delivery options.

  • TDIR that is both highly effective and efficient
  • The Best Security Analyst experience for daily use (AX)
  • The Lowest Overall TCO

TDIR Maturity Model

Compliance Resources:

Ultimate Guide to Monitoring & Logging Requirements for Compliance

CLM for SOC Trust Services Criteria Compliance

Maintain Compliance While Keeping Costs Down

Access Control, Audit Logs, & Archiving

Reports & Dashboards

Audit & Regulatory Compliance

In today’s hyper-connected digital landscape, organizations face the daunting challenge of ensuring their operations comply with an ever-evolving regulatory standard. With the stakes higher than ever and regulatory bodies becoming more stringent, businesses are constantly on the lookout for efficient and robust solutions to maintain compliance and safeguard their reputation.
Learn more about the Graylog approach to audit and regulatory compliance.

Compliance and reporting