Announcing Graylog 6.0.6

Announcing Graylog 6.0.6 This is a bug-fix release that improves Graylog’s functionality. Please read on for information on what has changed. Download Links DEB and RPM packages are available in our repositories Container images Graylog Open Graylog Enterprise Graylog Data Node Tarballs for manual installation Graylog Server Graylog Server (bundled JVM, linux-x64) Graylog Server […]
Announcing Graylog 5.2.11

Announcing Graylog 5.2.11 This is a bug-fix release that improves Graylog’s functionality. Please read on for information on what has changed. Download Links DEB and RPM packages are available in our repositories Container images Graylog Open Graylog Enterprise Graylog Data Node Tarballs for manual installation Graylog Server Graylog Server (bundled JVM, linux-x64) Graylog Server […]
Python Logs: What They Are and Why They Matter

Imagine living in a world without caller ID, which is easy if you grew up in the “late 1900s.” Every time someone called, you had a conversation that followed this pattern: Hi! Who’s this? It’s Jeff! Hi Jeff! How’s it going? Today, most people already know who’s calling when they answer the phone because caller […]