Why Go to Graylog GO? Because you want to learn how to do more with Graylog, of course!
Our developers, product managers, and community members are experts in their fields. And we want to share that expertise with you at Graylog GO. Whether you’re considering implementing Graylog, a new user curious about how to detect threats in your network, or an experienced user looking to build automations and integrations with Graylog, we have something for everyone.
You’ll have the opportunity to attend talks by the people who built Graylog, people who use Graylog, experts in their field, and more. You’ll find speakers speaking about searching data in Graylog or analyzing that data with dashboards, all things OpenSearch, cybersecurity in the real world, and more. There is also an opportunity for hands-on training about threat hunting with Graylog, if you want to meet us in Houston.

Experience live broadcasts and interact with our speakers
From the comfort of your desk or the VIP Experience in Houston, you’ll get the opportunity to listen to:
- Dr. Sameer Bhalotra, Co-founder & CEO of ActZero, and Mike Alvarez, Digital Forensics Examiner for the U.S. Secret Service Cyber Fraud Task Force Houston Field Office
- Lennart Koopmann, Graylog Founder & CTO
- Jake Williams, AKA “Malware Jake”
- Andy Grolnick, Graylog CEO
- Graylog experts
- Graylog customers
- And more…
Live broadcasts and on-stage discussions will range from cybersecurity to compliance to IT Operations and Development best practices with practical “how-to’s” in Graylog. For example, how the U.S. government is working to remain on the cutting edge of cybersecurity is one of the opening topics. High-level strategies for getting the most out of your SIEM and a customer panel are also on the day’s agenda. All of these sessions include a live Q&A.
Discover your next Graylog project
Have some fun gaining practical, real-world applicable Graylog knowledge with internal and external experts like Jeff Darrington, long-time Graylog user and Senior Technical Marketing Manager; Chris Black, laid back Solutions Engineer; Stella Freyju Linux geek and Professional Services Engineer; the nerds from AWS OpenSearch; and more.
If you’re on the hook for SOC2, Jeff has some tips on how to make sure you’re covered.
Chris will show you how to get even more out of Graylog Search.
Alec Short and Jacob Rabinovitz from Ideal Integrations will show you some crazy cool things you can do with Lookup Tables.
Stella will give you the details you need to best secure the full Graylog tech stack itself.
Hear directly from the AWS team on migrating to OpenSearch and maximizing what you get from the move.
At the end of the day, Graylog Founder & CTO, Lennart Koopmann, will walk you through the roadmap. The present and the future all in one day. You’ll get new ideas for your projects by watching real-world demonstrations and see what works for others that you might want to consider using yourself.
Join us for a day or a few hours
Spend a day or an hour with us. Learn on your lunch break. Pick things up on-demand after the conference. We make it easy to drop in and out, and all the sessions are available on-demand for 30 days after the conference. You don’t have to miss a thing.
So what are we trying to say here?
Don’t miss out!
Special Thanks
A quick shout-out to AWS OpenSearch, BitLyft, Blue Bastion/Ideal Integrations, and IPinfo for their sponsorship in bringing you all this great content.