Graylog v2.0 Beta 3 Released

We’ve just released the third beta of Graylog v2.0. This Beta.3 release is primarily a bug fix release but also contains some additional features for the commercial Archive plugin. If you missed our previous release announcements, check out the Beta.1 blog post for an overview of the major new features, as well as our Beta.2 blog post.


The server core has been feature complete since Graylog 2.0.0-beta.1. We’re still working on a few new features related to plugins between now and the release of v2.0 GA.


  • Updated to Elasticsearch 2.3.1. (Remember that v1.x versions of Elasticsearch are no longer supported)
  • Enabled cancellation of system jobs via REST API. Graylog2/graylog-server2#2053


  • Added UI notifications when creating/restoring/deleting archives.
  • Enabled periodic reloading of archives list on the archives page.
  • Made it possible to relocate the archive files into a different directory.
  • Made it possible to cancel archive creation and restore jobs.




  • Removed hard coded max number of indices and use the config option instead.
  • Fixed restore/archive job progress when coming back to the archives page.
  • Do not allow creating archives for empty indices.
  • Avoid storing absolute paths in the archive metadata to make it possible to move the archives into a different directory.
  • Check if an index already exists before restoring an archive.
  • Improved error handling in case of missing archives.


Graylog v2.0 Beta can be downloaded from here.

Our virtual appliance in OVA format has also been updated for this release.

The operating system packages for v2.0 Beta are available in our repositories. See our documentation for details.

Docker images are available on Docker Hub.


Graylog v2.0 is not production ready yet but you can preview the breaking changes in our UPGRADING document. More detailed documentation is coming soon. Please let us know if you discover anything that is missing from the document!


We need feedback about what’s working and what’s broken in order to help everyone get the most out of Graylog 2.0. There are a variety of ways to provide feedback, all of which can be found on our community resources page:

We’re super excited about releasing 2.0, and we value your feedback. So please go try out this release and let us know what you think!

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