From The Office Of The CMO

Graylog Has A Brand-New Look!

We’re thrilled to introduce Graylog’s fresh, new look! Gone are the days of our stark, albeit eye-catching red, black, and gray. Welcome a vibrant, modern mix of cool blues, greens, and purples!

Meet Arti – the Graylog Mascot

Arti, the divine overseer of logs, adept at parsing through cosmic cybersecurity events and debugging the threads of digital fate. With an unwavering focus on threat detection, Arti ensures that every log entry aligns with the sacred schema and no anomaly goes unnoticed. When systems falter under the weight of cyber threats, it’s Arti who whispers the solution in cryptic log lines, ready to respond to incidents with swift precision.
May your owl soar through the digital pantheon, guarding against the noise of unwanted data breaches and ensuring seamless observability and resilience in the face of cybersecurity challenges.


A Heartfelt Thanks!

A massive shout-out to my team! The past four months have been a whirlwind of creativity and dedication, culminating in possibly the most cost-effective rebrand ever. Yet, what’s truly remarkable is how smoothly everything went. Everyone still enjoyed their spring breaks—no late nights or long weekends were necessary. Much of this success is owed to our brilliant Creative Director, Angie Fairbanks, and the team’s fantastic efforts. I’m beyond proud of what we’ve achieved together, not just in the look we’ve created but in how we came together to make it happen.

Why Rebrand, and Why Now?

Simply put, it was time. After nearly six years with Graylog and exciting developments like our expansion into Threat Detection & Incident Response and the upcoming major release of our core platform, we needed a visual identity that reflected our growth and the future direction of our company. This new look aligns with our brand promise and integrates the aesthetic we loved from our recent acquisition, now known as Graylog API Security.

Choosing Our New Look

Graylog has evolved significantly in the last six years from a kick-ass open-source log management tool to a kick-ass, full-blown enterprise Threat Detection & Incident Response platform. We have been a part of Blue Team Village at Def Con for 8 years. As the hub of the SOC, it just made sense to start with blue. There’s a reason many (most?) cybersecurity companies incorporate a color associated with calm and trust.

Our journey started with extensive research and deep reflections on what Graylog wants to be known for in the future. We developed a few different looks and presented two options to various stakeholders and influencers: one that was evolutionary and one that was revolutionary. While we all loved the play with our existing colors and a few new ones, it was unanimous that we should go with option two! 100% agreement may be a first.

What This Means for Our Customers and Community

One of our core product principles is to deliver “the best Analyst Experience (AX) for daily use.” Our rebrand isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about enhancing usability. The new design improves visibility and readability across our platforms, which is critical in delivering on that core principle. Our fantastic new Sr. UX Designer Shawn Branstetter jumped right in to deliver a new Security Analyst view that puts their day-to-day tasks back and center. While there will be more changes in the next product release, we’re thrilled that Graylog 6.0 (GA next week) already showcases much of the new look.

Revisiting a Trusted Name – Welcome Back, Graylog Enterprise!

As part of our rebranding and strategic refocus, we also return to a familiar name for one of our essential product editions. What was known as Graylog Operations will once again be Graylog Enterprise, the name it held two years ago. This change isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s a strategic realignment to communicate better where it lives in the product portfolio.
In reassessing this part of our roadmap, we’ve decided to focus intensively on what we do best –  enterprise log management. Graylog Enterprise will concentrate on delivering exceptional value in collecting IT data across Security, SecOps, DevSecOps, IT Ops, and DevOps teams, reinforcing our commitment to enhancing security and operational efficiency.

👀 Take a peek at our new website at and share your thoughts!

P.S. Spot any typos or broken links? Let me celebrate this milestone for a day or two, and then I’ll be all ears for your feedback!

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