Enhanced Compliance Monitoring with NIST 800-53 Integration

Illuminate 5.1.0 is now available, bringing substantial improvements to our compliance capabilities. This update represents a significant step forward, with NIST 800-53 as the cornerstone of our compliance framework. Let’s explore the key features and improvements implemented to support your organization’s security and compliance needs.


Important Note: To run Illuminate 5.1.0, your environment must run Graylog 6.0 or higher.



Why NIST 800-53?


We’ve chosen NIST 800-53 as our starting point because of its comprehensive nature and wide acceptance in the cybersecurity community. This framework meets current industry standards and provides a robust foundation for future expansion into other frameworks and regulations. Our approach ensures a scalable compliance solution that can evolve alongside regulatory requirements.


What’s New in Illuminate 5.1.0


This release includes significant updates focusing on compliance, with new event definitions and dashboards that enhance our compliance monitoring and reporting capabilities. Let’s examine the key features:


Event Definitions


a) Graylog Compliance Access Management: Account Lockout

   – Mapped to AC-7, this control ensures that security teams are alerted during an account lockout.


b) User Activity Events

   – These events map to various Access Control (AC) family events, driven by the alert requirements defined in NIST 800-53.


 Enhanced Dashboards

Dashboard: AC-2(1) Events

Our new compliance dashboards offer critical insights for security engineers:


a) Compliance Access Control Dashboard

   – Provides multiple views, focusing on Graylog events.

   – Offers comprehensive account management metrics, including:

  • Total number of activities (creations, deletions, modifications, etc.) over customizable audit periods.
  • Percentage breakdowns of each activity type relative to overall account management actions.

   – Utilizes tags for user groups (privilege, temporary account, emergency account) to allow for customized audit requirements.


b) Count Management Control Summary

   – Focuses on individual access controls within NIST 800-53.

   – Displays activities related to these controls, total populations for audit periods, and activity trends over time.

   – Offers adjustable time periods for performance optimization and specific audit requirements.


AC_Controls Dashboard Widgets

c) Account Management Control Data

   – Prepare audit data for internal/external auditors, GRC roles, and control owners.

   – Visually represents and summarizes data, simplifying report generation.

   – Provides export options for integration with downstream GRC platforms or validation against ticketing systems.


Export: Audit AC-2(4)


Total Population and Activity Monitoring


For a comprehensive audit, Illuminate 5.1.0 allows security engineers to view the total population and specific activities over customizable time periods. While the default setting is one day for performance reasons, this can be adjusted based on your specific audit and monitoring needs.


Expanding Beyond Windows


Currently, the audit activities are Windows-specific, but our design ensures future expansions to encompass Active Directory and other authentication mechanisms, providing a more comprehensive view of your environment.


Future Development


This release marks the beginning of our enhanced compliance monitoring journey. We plan to refine and expand these features, extending our coverage within NIST 800-53 and eventually addressing other compliance frameworks. Each iteration will build on feedback from security professionals and evolving compliance demands, ensuring our tools remain relevant and effective.




Illuminate 5.1.0 represents a significant advancement in making your security operations more efficient and compliant. As we continue to evolve, your feedback as cybersecurity professionals is invaluable. We encourage you to explore these new features and share your experiences.


Remember, to leverage these new compliance monitoring capabilities, ensure your Graylog environment is running version 6.0 or later. Upgrade today to experience enhanced compliance features and unified log management.


We’re committed to continually improving Illuminate to meet the evolving needs of cybersecurity engineers. Stay tuned for future updates as we enhance our product and bring you advanced security and compliance solutions.


Frequently Asked Questions

As you consider implementing Illuminate 5.1.0 for your compliance monitoring needs, here are some key questions addressed:

  1. What are the main enhancements in Illuminate 5.1.0 for compliance monitoring? Illuminate 5.1.0 introduces NIST 800-53 integration, new event definitions for access management and user activities, enhanced dashboards, and improved account management metrics.
  2. How does NIST 800-53 integration benefit organizations? It provides a comprehensive, widely accepted framework that maps events to specific controls and facilitates future expansion to other compliance frameworks.
  3. What specific compliance challenges does Illuminate 5.1.0 address? The new version tackles account lockout monitoring, user activity tracking, compliance data visualization, and customizable audit requirements for different user groups.
  4. Why is Graylog 6.0+ required for Illuminate 5.1.0? Illuminate 5.1.0 leverages features available in Graylog 6.0+. Organizations using earlier versions will need to upgrade their Graylog environment to access these new compliance monitoring capabilities.
  5. How will Illuminate expand beyond Windows-specific auditing in the future? Future releases plan to include support for Active Directory and other authentication mechanisms, providing a more comprehensive view of diverse IT environments.


For more detailed information on these topics or any other questions about Illuminate 5.1.0, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team.


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