Announcing Graylog 6.2 Beta.1
This is a beta for the upcoming release of Graylog v6.2. Please read on for detailed descriptions of everything that is included.
Download Links
- Upgrade notes
- DEB and RPM packages are available in our repositories
- Docker Compose
- Container images:
- Tarballs for manual installation:
- Graylog Server
- Graylog Server (bundled JVM, linux-x64)
- Graylog Server (bundled JVM, linux-aarch64)
- Graylog Enterprise Server
- Graylog Enterprise Server (bundled JVM, linux-x64)
- Graylog Enterprise Server (bundled JVM, linux-aarch64)
- Graylog Data Node (bundled JVM, linux-x64)
- Graylog Data Node (bundled JVM, linux-aarch64)
- Operating system packages:
- Docker Compose
- Container image:
GRAYLOG 6.2 Beta.1
Released: 2025-03-17
- Added multi_grok pipeline rule to support processing a string against many grok patterns at once. graylog2-server#15301 graylog2-server#20924
- Added new config options to Email Notifications for send as single email, CC emails/users, and BCC emails/users. graylog2-server#20809 graylog2-server#20836
- Implement common entity data table with sorting and filtering for events page graylog2-server#20881 graylog2-server#20831 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9020
- Add datanode.log to support bundle. graylog2-server#20919 graylog2-server#21553
- Client certificate validity configurable in data node graylog2-server#20928 graylog2-server#20941
- Add unit handling to a single number widget graylog2-server#20965 graylog2-server#21339
- Add option to render a pluggable navigation item after another specific item. graylog2-server#21296 graylog2-server#21827
- Added overview-page for access-tokens, accessible by admins. graylog2-server#21321 graylog2-server#21396 graylog2-server#21315
- Added new Configuration to define default for allowing access tokens for external users. graylog2-server#21322 graylog2-server#21438
- Adds token management page in the ‘Users and Teams’ section. graylog2-server#21397 graylog2-server#21737
- Adds token TTL to user token creation form graylog2-server#21441 graylog2-server#21917
- Add preflight check for data node and graylog server, veryfing that password_secret is configured to the same value everywhere. graylog2-server#21504 graylog2-server#21491
- Added new Configuration to define default for restricting access tokens to admins only. graylog2-server#21509 graylog2-server#21619
- Add new configurable default TTL for creating API tokens. graylog2-server#21660 graylog2-server#21661 graylog2-server#21662 graylog2-server#21687
- Add PBKDF2 password hash function for FIPS 140-2 support graylog2-server#20658
- Automatically trim newline characters for Fortigate messages received through Syslog inputs. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8980 graylog2-server#20788
- Add auto refresh button to events page graylog-plugin-enterprise#8661 graylog2-server#20996
- Unified snapshot configuration, role and cache management in datanode graylog2-server#21031
- Allow sorting events/alerts based on aggregation time range. graylog2-server#21044
- Allowing to filter events based on event definition, priority, key & aggregation time range. graylog2-server#21055 graylog2-server#21056
- Adding endpoint for bulk retrieval of event definitions. graylog2-server#21089
- Adding advanced field type for event definitions, looking up titles in aggregations and message table. graylog2-server#21136
- Enable defining required permissions for navigation web interface plugin. graylog2-server#21205
- Enabling bulk actions for event definitions. graylog2-server#21238
- Adding ‘Replay Search’ Bulk action to alerts & events. graylog2-server#21262
- Added metrics to the shared “scheduler” and “daemonScheduler” thread pools. graylog2-server#21454
- Added escape character handling to the key_value pipeline function. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9552 graylog2-server#21456 graylog2-server#21556
- Add input for OpenTelemetry logs. graylog2-server#21536
- Add support for overriding opensearch configuration options in data node using a configuration file specified as opensearch_configuration_overrides_file in datanode.conf. Please note that we only recommend changing certain properties. All others will emit warnings on data node startup. graylog2-server#21707
- Allow specifying a TTL when creating a new API-token. Also, automatically delete expired tokens. graylog2-server#21440 graylog2-server#21773
- Showing chart for alerts/events over time on alerts page. graylog2-server#21811
- Adding an interface to tag inputs for enterprise functionality, extracting scripting API methods into a service for reuse graylog2-server#21835 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9869
- Added Data Node Upgrade Tab in Cluster Configuration Page graylog2-server#21948 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9962 graylog2-server#21847
- Make type specific field value renderer pluggable. graylog2-server#21795
- Added system notification with link to upgrade page if Graylog server and one of the connected Data Nodes’ versions do not match. graylog2-server#21701 graylog2-server#21887
- Add the Global API browser link to the Help menu graylog-plugin-enterprise#9955 graylog2-server#21974
- Log usage of deprecated pipeline functions, specifically remove_field. graylog2-server#19287 graylog2-server#21386
- Datanode preflight check that verifies if hostname is bound to an IP graylog2-server#20503 graylog2-server#20492
- Removed noisy system notification when event limit is exceeded. graylog2-server#20785 graylog2-server#21080
- Data node: store keystore and truststore passwords in Opensearch keystore graylog2-server#20926 graylog2-server#20923
- Prevent messages from being ingested with timestamps that are in the future. Invalid timestamps will be forced to the receive time or current time. graylog2-server#21408 graylog2-server#21429
- Replace datanode insecure_startup configuration with selfsigned_startup, providing full selfsigned SSL setup graylog2-server#18911 graylog2-server#20842
- Suppress noisy aggregation search error when it is likely due to cloud maintenance. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8919 graylog2-server#20968
- Better handling of intermediate CAs in datanode truststore graylog2-server#21062
- Adjust Event Priority field choices for consistency with Graylog Security. graylog2-server#21123
- Prevent accidental deletion of the default system index set. graylog-plugin-enterprise#5904 graylog2-server#21174
- Upgraded MongoJack dependency to 5.0.2. This might require changes to third-party plugins. Please check Graylog upgrade notes. graylog2-server#21493
- Add more logging around CA upload in preflight, support more private key types. graylog2-server#21632
- Refer to official AWS Kinesis/Cloudwatch input for permissions on first page of input setup. graylog2-server#21755
- AmqpTransport: Log root cause of IOException, if possible graylog2-server#21764
- Better self-signed certificate check in datanode keystore graylog2-server#21811
- Set default User-Agent header in HTTP client to Graylog. graylog2-server#21864
- Admin user can no longer cancel search jobs of other users. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9926 graylog2-server#21932
- Generated certificates now use 4096 bit keys. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9951 graylog2-server#21943
- More concise information on when/how to change permissions for the OpenSearch data directory in the Data Node migration wizard. . graylog-plugin-enterprise#9231 graylog2-server#21959
- Deprecated Palo Alto Networks version 8.x and 9.x inputs graylog2-server#21579
- Fix custom highlighting of field values in the message details of the message table widget graylog2-server#18388 graylog2-server#20921
- Improve performance of close and delete actions when working with a lot of index sets. graylog2-server#18563 graylog2-server#21195
- Add a note clarifying how making changes to index sets does not apply to existing indices graylog2-server#18836 graylog2-server#20659
- Fixing highlighting of message in message table by id. graylog2-server#19058 graylog2-server#21389
- Catch and report exceptions during grok pattern matching. graylog2-server#19975 graylog2-server#21290
- Fixing keyboard shortcut conflicts for opening query history by changing it to ctrl+space on win and linux os graylog2-server#20423 graylog2-server#21336
- Set datanode remote reindex status to error if any log entry is of error type graylog2-server#20461 graylog2-server#20622
- Fixed the issue when the streams link in the message table was not working on the streams page. graylog2-server#20465 graylog2-server#21338
- Suppress repeated error logging for Whois lookup adapter when following redirects. graylog2-server#20571 graylog2-server#21838
- Fix that non visible items are selected in index sets table when changing field type graylog2-server#20592 graylog2-server#20616
- Fix encoding of CName in generated CA certificates graylog2-server#20738 graylog2-server#20745
- Fixing text color of bar labels in bar chart, which are displayed outside of a bar. graylog2-server#20789 graylog2-server#20948
- Fixing output class name for prometheus exporter. graylog2-server#20790 graylog2-server#20844
- Fixing up extraction of effective time range for async searches. graylog2-server#20800 graylog2-server#20808
- Hiding zoom-out notifier when zooming in on graph. graylog2-server#20833 graylog2-server#21850
- Fixing unkown format issue in widgets when using gradiant highlighting. graylog2-server#20876 graylog2-server#20882
- Fix handling of path prefix in useSendTelemetry. graylog2-server#20899 graylog2-server#20909
- Fix failing of executing search on event definition page graylog2-server#20925 graylog2-server#20953
- Fix error when ticking or unticking show event annotations graylog2-server#20932 graylog2-server#21028
- Fix unescaped double quotes in map and collection typed fields in Custom HTTP Notification JSON body. graylog2-server#20955 graylog2-server#21167
- Handle path prefix when serving web interface assets. graylog2-server#21015 graylog2-server#21104
- Fix when widget title input in widget edit mode looses cursor position on change graylog2-server#21145 graylog2-server#21327
- Fix displaying very small percentages. graylog2-server#21185 graylog2-server#21368
- Fix JNA temp directory to be located in the configured server data dir. graylog2-server#21223 graylog2-server#21298
- Add error handling for event definition bulk action on general perspective. graylog2-server#21248
- Fixed poor performance of CIDR data adapter lookups. graylog2-server#21272 graylog2-server#21474 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9628
- Retrying indexing messages failing due to circuit breaker exception. graylog2-server#21282 graylog2-server#21313
- Add default auto refresh config on events and alerts page graylog2-server#21350 graylog2-server#21351
- Fix an issue causing saving searches/dashboards after clearing the unit type to fail with error. graylog2-server#21398 graylog2-server#21399
- Fixed issue preventing quoted entity search values from finding exact matches on various pages throughout Graylog. graylog2-server#21565 graylog2-server#21567
- Show helpful error/explanation on message permalink page when index/message is missing. graylog2-server#21653 graylog2-server#21663
- Make latest metric preserve field type of field used in frontend. graylog2-server#21837 graylog2-server#21833
- Fixed query validation with parameter usage. Parameters representing field names do not cause ‘unknown field’ warnings anymore. graylog2-server#9368 graylog2-server#21469
- Added value sanitation to MarkdownEditor component graylog-plugin-enterprise#9778 graylog2-server#21786 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9830
- Sorting pivot values numerically when field is numeric. graylog-plugin-enterprise#6479 graylog2-server#20918
- Hide warnings on Graylog enterprise events in Data Node. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9372 graylog2-server#21890
- Fix various issues in AMQP input: allow passive queue declaration, fix leaks in thread execution and connection handling, expose client metrics, set proper connection name, clarify parallelQueues option graylog2-server#6827 graylog2-server#7747 graylog2-server#20270
- Fix statvfs warnings from oshi on server startup. graylog2-server#20629
- Add missing any/all option to stream rules in routing/intake page graylog-plugin-enterprise#8497 graylog2-server#20678
- Hide stream rule Matching-Type-Switcher when stream is not editable graylog2-server#20714
- Optimize widgets warnings graylog-plugin-enterprise#8213 graylog2-server#20748
- Fixes issue where some event types did not display all actions that should have been available. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8638 graylog2-server#20847
- Enterprise Traffic Graph: Ensure license data is visible on Cloud graylog-plugin-enterprise#6055 graylog2-server#20858
- Fixing replay search routes when path prefix is present. graylog2-server#20910
- Directory compatibility check for datanode inplace migration rejects empty dir graylog2-server#20912
- Fixing route for AWS integration when path prefix is present. graylog2-server#20969
- Fix line wrapping in new sidecar default configurations for filebeat. graylog2-server#21043
- Centralized view of Graylog cluster components graylog2-server#20997 graylog2-server#21058
- Add archive restore retry on mapper parsing exception. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9208 graylog2-server#21197 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9413
- Filters system event definitions from list of entities that can be exported in a content pack. graylog2-server#21166 graylog2-server#21206
- batching request for index block status if the combined length of the indices exceed the max possible URL length graylog2-server#21208
- Fixed bug where inputs with multiple encrypted configuration values could not be saved. graylog2-server#21217
- Fix org.graylog2.outputs.ElasticSearchOutput.writes metric. graylog2-server#21286
- Fix missing Query Parameters in Event Definitions in Content Packs. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9274 graylog2-server#21349
- Fix error when clicking the Replay search link in event definition summary in edit modal on security events page graylog-plugin-enterprise#9289 graylog2-server#21359
- Adding missing API descriptions on method parameters for Simple Scripting API. graylog2-server#20821 graylog2-server#21367
- Improve readability of filter preview error message in event definition wizard (dark mode). graylog-plugin-enterprise#9336 graylog2-server#21376
- UI Framework for deprecating pipeline functions graylog2-server#19287 graylog2-server#21467
- Upgrade AWS Kinesis client libary to version 6.1.0 to fix potential shard processing issues. graylog2-server#21451 graylog2-server#21538
- Don’t add search role if node_roles are user-defined in datanode.conf graylog-plugin-enterprise#9704 graylog2-server#21622
- Better handling of keystore aliases in datanode. graylog2-server#21783
- Fix escaping of response headers in API browser. graylog2-server#21795
- Improved validation and handling of uploaded certficate authorities. graylog2-server#21832 graylog2-server#21858
- Fix display of encrypted configuration values for inputs. graylog2-server#21927
Released: 2025-03-17
- Added new Sophos Central input. graylog-project-illuminate#394 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8915
- Added support for global retention configuration in the data warehouse, with the option to override it on a per-stream basis. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9092 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9093 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9221 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9211 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9199 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9265
- New security welcome page design graylog-plugin-enterprise#7948
- Added Event Procedures to Security Events. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8625 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8825 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9324 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9375 graylog2-server#21108
- Add bulk action to events page graylog-plugin-enterprise#8663 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9245 graylog2-server#21027
- Added Executive Overview page graylog-plugin-enterprise#8680 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8889
- Added Grid Layout for Executive Overview graylog-plugin-enterprise#8681 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8925
- Added filter functionality to the Data Warehouse, enabling data retrieval based on up to three predefined field filters. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8837 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8874 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8890
- Added configuration ‘data_tiering_ignore_repositories’ to optionally hide internal repositories. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8850
- Added a new role that grants search and retrieval access to the data warehouse graylog-plugin-enterprise#8518 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9109
- Add Event Procedures. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9163 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9694
- Added new Mimecast input. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9250 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9276 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9654 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9693
- Add support for custom Salesforce application URLs in the Salesforce input. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9345 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9414 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9424 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9435
- Display asset title for value of associated_assets field. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9447 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9882
- Added bulk actions to Security Events in asset details drawer. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9572 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9818
- Added support for Sigma correlation rules. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9630 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9668 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9765 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9791 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9828 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9883 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9918 graylog2-server#21736 graylog2-server#21785
- Added new Microsoft Graph input. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9805 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9854
- Apply index settings and mappings for Illuminate-retrieved streams stored in the data lake. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9823 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9824
- Adds token TTL to the forwarder token creation step. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9972 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9972
- Threat Chain widget that shows the list of sigma rules responsable to trigger the alert/event graylog-plugin-enterprise#10012
- Add a ‘category_’ prefix on category fields for Anomaly Detection to avoid naming conflicts. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8592
- Added Bitdefender GravityZone input. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8648
- Added ability to automatically open the first selected investigation by default in the drawer when adding new evidence graylog-plugin-enterprise#8690
- Introduced new Illuminate marketplace. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8795 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8819 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8770 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8867 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8879 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8914 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8981 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8990 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8991
- Add new Security Welcome page. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8924
- Add asset details dashboard to Asset Details page and list. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9236
- Adding bulk security event retrieval by id. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9299
- Changed Illuminate bundle installation to a more pack-centric workflow and added new Illuminate Content hub page. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9333 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9474
- Amplify Event Risk scores if they are part of threat campaigns. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9385 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9422 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9423 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9425 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9594 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9777 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9495 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9843
- Added new GELF (Newline-delimited) option for AWS S3 input. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9695
- Add AND/OR operator field to Retrieving from Data Lake form. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9713
- Store input processing errors in message failure index. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9578 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9790 graylog2-server#21725
- Revamping Security Events list, adding extended filtering & sorting.. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9868
- Limiting Sigma Rules in Threat Coverage widget to products ingesting graylog2-server#21835 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9869
- Removed the unnecessary steps in the Improve Threat Coverage For All Tactics modal. Use latest Content Hub API endpoints. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9940 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9901 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9941
- Changed default Investigation status to ‘Open’ for new installs and existing installs without a default set. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8640 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8827
- Check for forwarder loops. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9280 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9311
- New Illuminate Content Hub look graylog-plugin-enterprise#9946
- Create dropdown in navigation for data warehouse related pages. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9488
- Improvements for Security Activity Dashboards. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9516
- Adding search fields operators AND/OR to data lake retrieval to support the same queries as in the preview. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9687
- Adding the AND/OR operator to the filter query in the estimate function. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9703
- Updating the Investgation Summary by AI template. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9716
- Removed .keyword fields from unmapped Sigma query fields after Illuminate index templates update. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8518 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8828
- Remove output path variables tooltip graylog-plugin-enterprise#8568 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8863
- Removed unique name constraint for Assets. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8838 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9485
- Removed Replay Search button from Anomaly events that cannot be replayed. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8847 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8969 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9032
- Removed /plugins/org.graylog.plugins.files/* REST API endpoints. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9808
- Fixed issue where Asset sorting was case-sensitive. graylog-plugin-enterprise#6017 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9498
- Fixed issue where cloned Sigma Rules originally provided by Illuminate could not be modified. graylog-plugin-enterprise#7068 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9001
- Rename Data Warehouse to Data Lake graylog-plugin-enterprise#8310 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9618 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9664 graylog2-server#21507 graylog2-server#21593
- Ignore unmapped tiebreaker fields when sorting logs. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8492 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9135
- Fix corrupted event details view when open from events widget. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8558 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9520
- Fixed issue that prevented standard hyphenated (YYYY-MM-DD) Sigma date field values. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8575 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9573
- Use pagination to avoid error when importing a large number of assets from Active Directory or LDAP. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8582 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9844 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9845
- Fix displaying null – null as time range when deleting the entire archive. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8727 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8851
- Data warehouse UI improvements graylog-plugin-enterprise#8807 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8954
- Allow parallel external snapshots for data tiering. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8845 graylog-plugin-enterprise#7566 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9644
- Improve error handling for loading assets for Events and Investigations. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8859 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8167 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8891 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8921
- Fixed issue where duplicate events/messages are listed after being added to an Investigation. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8900 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8904
- Fixed issue with downloading audit log CSV and JSON export. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8929 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8930
- Fix error when loading main Security Investigations page when limited stream permissions are present. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8938 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8941
- Fix the wrong font color when export widget into PDF from a Dark Mode graylog-plugin-enterprise#8967 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9075
- Fixing output class name for prometheus exporter. graylog2-server#20790 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9028
- Fixing implicit browser sharing during PDF rendering. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9046 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9053
- Fixing up inclusion of report id in audit log entry. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9048 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9056
- Fix Security Events list in Asset details drawer graylog-plugin-enterprise#9067
- Fixed Illuminate Customizations requiring a server restart before taking effect. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9086 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9557 graylog2-server#21439
- Fixing archiving and data warehouse routes when path prefix is present. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9133 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9137
- Fixing routes for some integrations when path prefix is present. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9148 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9156
- Fixing login via OIDC authentication service when path prefix is present. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9149 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9150
- Fixing restore for archives whose mappings differs from the index template. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9208 graylog2-server#21054
- Fixing reporting failures due to timeout when converting to PDF. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9438 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9430
- Fixed Illuminate Sigma Rules scope permissions. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9473 graylog2-server#21600 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9709
- Fixing reporting jobs getting stuck in Running state. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9535 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9536
- Make sure a data lake backend is not accessed by another cluster. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9577 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9959
- Fixed issue with email claim on Entra / OIDC login. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9610 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9842
- Fixed invalid overwriting of Sigma rule search filters when updating via Illuminate upgrade. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9680 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9692
- Reduced the default Iceberg commit interval from 1h to 15min, applied only for new installations graylog-plugin-enterprise#9748 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9907
- Improve performance of Data Warehouse data file deletion when expiring snapshots. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8831
- Fix erroneous reduction in asset risk score varaince factor after assets are edited graylog-plugin-enterprise#8834
- Fix calendar time input controls not aligned graylog2-server#20177 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8843
- Fix data warehouse journal size metric graylog-plugin-enterprise#8856
- Support draw-down licenses in AI Service calls. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8923
- Fix SSO login link display issue. graylog2-server#20770 graylog-plugin-enterprise#8966
- Fix incorrect asset factor when calculating Event and Asset risk scores. graylog-plugin-enterprise#8972
- Fixed issue preventing Small Business licenses from accessing Open Illuminate release. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9037 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9036
- Fix data warehouse retrieval form inclusion types labels. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9076 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9077
- Fixing reporting routes when path prefix is present. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9078
- Improved Defender for Endpoint input error handling. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9084
- Fix retrieval action showing when license is invalid. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9178 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9191
- Fixing widget export filename sanitization. graylog2-server#21128 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9346
- Improving delete asset category user experience. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9304 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9303 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9403
- Fix missing Query Parameters in Event Definitions in Content Packs. graylog-plugin-enterprise#9274 graylog-plugin-enterprise#9606
Graylog Forwarder 6.3-beta.1
Released: 2025-03-19
- Add OpenTelemetry input. forwarder#155 graylog2-server#21536
Let us know what you’d like to have included in our GitHub issue tracker.