Announcing Graylog Illuminate 3.4
- This version of Illuminate requires Graylog Server version 5.0.3 or later
- Added new Illuminate packs
- Snort 3 IDS
- It is required to update your filebeat configuration prior to the next release of Illuminate
- The filebeat configuration change will add a prefix to fields extracted from structured data
- This release will function with the existing and updated configuration
- The next release of Illuminate will require the updated filebeat configuration with the prefix change
- The next release of Illuminate will only process Snort events sent with the updated filebeat configuration
Released: 2023-06-29
- Checkpoint: Fixed checkpoint vendor severity mapping to event_severity/event_severity_level (#1325)
- Symantec Endpoint Protection: Missing quote in lookup causes issues with event_action (#1348)
- Winlogbeat: winlogbeat_event_original message size causes indexing errors (#1355)
- When the field is detected it will be deleted
- Schema: Updated documentation field name http_method to use the correct field name http_request_method (graylog-schema #107)
- Apache: Timestamp format causes indexing errors (#1385)
- Sonicwall: VPN Saved search aggregation limits set to 0 (#1386)
- Core: User investigation dashboard widget misalignment on Graylog 5.1.x (#1419)
- Snort 3: AppID dashboard world map widget misalignment on Graylog 5.1.x (#1412)
- Fortigate: Overview dashboard widget misalignment on Graylog 5.1.x (#1411)
- Stormshield: Saved search severity syntax incorrect (#1414)
- Cisco ASA: Added processing of messages relayed by RSYSLOG where the event code is placed in the APP-NAME field (#1356)
- All ASA logs will now trim everything up to and including the vendor event code value from the message field
- Cisco Meraki: Added processing of airmarshal events (#1084)
- Cisco Meraki: Added Spotlight content (#467)
- Checkpoint: Added Spotlight content (#1263)
- Snort 3 IDS: Add Filebeat ndjson target (prefix) for Snort processing (#1365)
- This will mitigate the possibility of field naming collisions when extracting structured data
- pfSense: http_referrer_host now extracted from http_referrer (#1301)
- Symantec Endpoint Protection: Added Spotlight content (#1330)
- Apache2: Added parsing of additional error logs (#1372)
- Stormshield Firewall: Improved event saved search, added alert saved search (#1392)
Known Issues
- Auditbeat cannot process events with multiple values assigned to vendor_event_action (#622)
Let us know what you’d like to have included in our GitHub issue tracker.