Announcing Graylog Illuminate v5.1

This is a bug-fix release improving the functionality of Graylog. Please read on for detailed descriptions of each bug fix.
Many thanks to the Graylog Community for reporting issues and contributing fixes.

Announcing Graylog 5.2.8

Announcing Graylog 5.2.8 This is a bug-fix release that improves Graylog’s functionality. Please read on for information on what has changed.   Download Links DEB and RPM packages are available in our repositories Container images Graylog Open Graylog Enterprise Graylog Data Node Tarballs for manual installation Graylog Server Graylog Server (bundled JVM, linux-x64) Graylog Server […]

Understanding The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)

The 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy, published by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, aimed to establish safeguards against security risks arising from increased digital connectivity. As part of the strategy, the strategy included updates to Directive (EU) 2022/2555 on measures for a high common level […]