Graylog v1.3 Beta is Out!

We’re almost ready for the GA release of Graylog 1.3. We’ve been in testing and bug fixing mode all week, but we need your help to do final testing of new 1.3 features and the upgrade process in your different Graylog environments.

Download and feedback links at the bottom of this post.




The Graylog packages are available on our download page in the “All releases” section.

Our virtual appliance in OVA format has been updated for this release, too.

Docker packages of this release are available on Docker Hub and our DEB/RPM packages can be found here.


We need feedback about what’s working and what’s broken in order to help everyone get the most out of Graylog 1.3. There are a variety of ways to provide feedback. Report bugs and other issues in GitHub (web-interface and server repos). Start a discussion in our Google Group mailing list. Or join the chatter on our #graylog Freenode IRC channel. New feature ideas are welcome in our product idea portal.

All of these resources can be found on our community resources page.

We’re really excited to get this goodness out to you, and are looking forward to your feedback. So please go try out the beta and let us know what you think!

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